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主题:唐可首席十多年的成功经验 [电脑版]
莘祺家族发表于 2013-02-05 22:12
After 19 strong and successful years in Mary Kay I wanted to share some of Gloria’s rules to Mary Kay happiness.

Become a strong goal setter.Always understand the goals must be pushed by passion.If they do not keep you up at night and wake you in the morning something very important is missing.
1/ 让自己成为力量强大的目标设置者。永远明白目标是要由激情推进的。如果你所设定的目标无法激励你自己在晚上精神熠熠,早起神清气爽,那么一些非常重要的部分就已经遗漏了。

Never miss a Mary Kay company event.You all made the smart decision to come to leadership.There is always so much to learn and gain at these events.Everyone needs to be re-focused and re-energized.Never ever miss a company event.
2/ 千万不要错过任何一场玫琳凯公司的大型活动。你们都作出了明智的选择,来这里参加领袖会议。每一次的大型活动都有许多可以学到,可以获得的知识。每个人都需要重新定位,重新受到激励。所以,千万不要错过任何一场公司的活动。

Your POSITIVE ATTITUDE is the most important things you can have.You are in control of your attitude.Who you are around, what you read, what you listen to and the words you choose to say.Never talk about other people and never talk negatively about yourself.
3/ 主动积极的态度是你要具备的最重要的素质。你会受到自己态度的控制,你周围的人,你所看到的、听到的,会影响你选择所说要的话,记住!永远都不要私下议论她/他人,更不要消极的表达你自己。

Create your circle of influence.Take advice only from people you are willing to trade places with.Team up with people who are willing to work as hard as you are.Stay in the space of people who have a vision for what is possible with Mary Kay.Run from people who do not have a dream, who want to steal yours because they do not want you to have a dream either?
4/ 扩大你个人的影响圈。只听取那些你愿意与她们共事的人提出的建议。只开发那些愿意与你同样努力工作的人。与那些同样热爱玫琳凯,对美好的明天充满憧憬的人呆在一起。远离那些没有梦想,甚至也不希望你胸怀梦想的人。

Learn the skills of this business. The fundamental skills are critical.This is where Mary Kay Ash really worked hard with women.Some women run so fast without taking the time to train themselves that they because frustrated.You must have the skills so when the initial excitement is over your professional skill takes over.
5/ 学习玫琳凯事业的经营技巧。最基础的技巧也是最重要的,而这也正是玫琳凯.艾施女士反复跟大家强调的。有一些人步伐很快,却忽视了对自身基础的打造,最终以失败收场。所以你们一定要磨练好基本功,只有这样,当最初的兴奋感过去的时候,你才能真正的用专业知识技能继续发展下去。

Emotional management. You will have disappointments – Big disappointments.Life challenges – raise your hand if you have ever had a life challenges.See you are not alone.People will disappoint you, you will disappoint yourself.The character within will determine how you face life disappointments.Every one has things happen to them – the way you deal with them makes you a champion.
6/ 情绪管理。你一定会有失望,甚至是巨大的失望。生命中常有挑战,如果你们曾经历过生命的挑战,请把手举起来。看到了吗,你们不是孤单的。周围的人会让你失望,你自己也会对自己感到失望。你的内在品格将决定你如何面对这些生命中的不如意。每个人都会遭遇很多的事情,正是你面对、处理这些事情的经历使你自己成为了成功者。

Time management – As leaders you must get help in your life.Assistance in your home, then assistance in your office.Too many women try to have it all and then they become off balance. Your most important Mary Kay time is being in front of people.Your most important personal time is being with your family.Use your time wisely.
7/ 时间管理:作为领袖,你的生命中一定要获得众多的帮助,家庭中的帮助,工作中的帮助。有太多的女性喜欢把所有的事情都抓在自己的手里,这样很容易失衡。把你在玫琳凯事业中最重要的时间分配给与大家相处,把你个人最重要的时间分配给与家人相处。一定要精明地利用时间。

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1楼:在手机上看到了这个帖子.唐可首席的分享真的太精彩,太让人受益了,我觉得每个玫琳凯人都应该牢记 ..(zhangjingyu)

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